How to reset taking independece quest fallout 4
How to reset taking independece quest fallout 4

how to reset taking independece quest fallout 4 how to reset taking independece quest fallout 4

This way, you’ll earn all story related Trophies without having to restart and play the entire game over. After you’ve made the saves, finish the game and then reload your other save files to do the opposite of what you did the first time. What you need to do is, create a separate save file before progressing passed the point of no return during faction quests. This is where the multiple save files come into play. However, progressing too far in some will make you an enemy of the others. You’ll need to join all four factions, and complete their missions in order to earn all the Trophies. There are four factions you can join and there are trophies tied to each one. The good news, this can be avoided by making multiple save files. The bad news, there are some Trophies that can be missed. If you’re trying to avoid spoilers, it is recommended that you complete the game before reading any further. So I ask you, is there a particular combination of commands I need to input to reset a quest? I'm at a total loss.īaNK.Spoiler Alert: There are spoilers within this guide. I've also played with the recycleactor command on Ingram and the Institute member to see if that reset anything, but to no avail. The latter ticks off the objective, but doesn't trigger the next one. While the former completes the quest and removes it from the list, it doesn't trigger the followup quest (which I think, funnily enough, requires talking to Ingram again). I also tried 'completequest BoS204' and 'completeallobjectives BoS204' to further along Outside the Wire. I also tried instead speaking with the Institute member who previously triggered the objective and nothing. Talking to Ingram after doing this, however, still triggers the Mass Fusion dialogue. I used different combinations of the commands 'resetquest InstMassFusion' and 'setstage InstMassFusion 5' - the first stage - to try to roll back the quest. Speaking to Ingram at this point, however, triggers the Mass Fusion dialogue. The problem is, Outside the Wire (and possibly other Brotherhood quests) requires me to speak to Ingram. Choosing the Brotherhood means speaking with Proctor Ingram.

how to reset taking independece quest fallout 4

I wish to belay this decision until I have completed more quests for either faction. Mass Fusion forces you to choose between the Institute and the Brotherhood. After trying several combinations of console commands, I can't seem to get it to work right. I'm trying to either reset the quest Mass Fusion or progress beyond the quest Outside the Wire. I only have a quicksave for the scenario I'm about to describe. Let me start off by saying that, no, I don't have an old enough save file that I can use to start the quest over.

How to reset taking independece quest fallout 4